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Historic Hughes Racer Replica Test Flight Report

In this rare view from the cockpit, our friend, veteran Reno Air Racer, Jimmy Leeward takes us along for a pilot’s eye view of the flight-testing progress being conducted at Cottage Grove, Oregon for this amazing historic recreation. read more »
Mustang Solo! - Sport Aviation, Dec 1979

WITH ALL THE aviation records that have been set down through the years plus the "firsts" claimed for every conceivable thing relating to airplanes and flying one can imagine, it becomes read more »
Republic Photo Company

Jimmy Leeward has been racing airplanes more then most...
Booking a New Look - Southern Living

What do a group of women, paint chips, and a drill have in common? Apparently, quite a lot for some Central Florida friends whose love of design led to the creation of a unique decorating club. read more »
Memorial Service Details
The family of Jimmy Leeward is holding a memorial event celebrating his life. For more information, please visit the Memorial Page.